The heat has dropped significantly since the scorcher weather we experienced at the end of July and in early August. This doesn’t mean that your AC is out of this rough patch of keeping your home cooled down, however. Summer isn’t over yet, and we know that intense heat can strike into the fall.
With this in mind, we want to talk to you about the compressor in your AC. This is the part of your cooling system you want to keep in the best condition. It’s the “engine” of the entire air conditioner, drawing on the most electrical power to perform the job of circulating refrigerant and placing it under pressure. Without the compressor, the AC can’t cool anything and is just a big central fan. Because the compressor is an expensive part to replace, people often choose to replace their whole AC system rather than just the compressor should it fail.
We want to help you with fast air conditioning repair in Colorado Springs, CO, when you’ve got an imperiled compressor. Watch for these signs and call us ASAP to see if we can rescue your compressor (or fix whatever is wrong).
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