Robbins Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Achoo! Allergy Season Is Here—We Can Help

May 3rd, 2021

blowing-noseThe arrival of warm weather in spring is a cause for celebration. But spring also brings with it a problem that can make life much less enjoyable for people in your household—allergies.

Spring is allergy season because the plant bloom that occurs during the first warm weather of the year releases large amounts of pollen into the air. The increased pollen count triggers seasonal allergies, known as hay fever (allergic rhinitis). Hay fever isn’t a viral infection, but its symptoms are similar to those of flus and colds, and can be just as unpleasant: runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, congestion, and sinus pain. And unlike fevers and colds, hay fever’s symptoms start immediately after a person is exposed to the allergens that trigger it.

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Thinking About the Future of Your Home Heating This Spring

April 19th, 2021

furance-checked-by-technicianWe’re still experiencing cool weather here in Colorado Springs, even though we’re a few weeks into the spring season. Although 45°F can seem warm compared to the extremes of winter, that’s still too cold to shut off your heating system yet, and a long way from having to turn on the AC. 

Nevertheless, we’re moving into the winding-down-period for heating, so if you need heater repair in Colorado Springs, CO, please don’t hesitate to call us to get it done. You don’t want to shut down your furnace or other heating system when it still needs repair service. This is part of the planning for the future of your home heating as we transition into the warmer months of the middle of the year. We have a few more tips for thinking about home heating for the coming winters—spring is a great time to have upgrades and replacements done.

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Furnace Replacement Choice: The Condensing Furnace

April 5th, 2021

money-home-teeter-totterYou may be looking to get a new furnace installed when the weather finally turns warm and you won’t need any heating for the house. Spring is definitely a good time to arrange for furnace service in Colorado Springs, CO to replace an old one. You can take the time to look through the options and work with our technicians to find the best new system to meet your needs.

One option you may wish to consider is the condensing furnace, a type of high-efficiency gas furnace that’s become a popular choice for new installations. 

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We’re Offering Bipolar Ionization IAQ Installations

March 29th, 2021

relaxed-womanWe want the best for all our customers, and that includes installing the finest in indoor air quality products for their homes. Right now, as an El Paso County exclusive, we’re offering to install bipolar ionization IAQ products as part of the Smart Tech Alliance. These IAQ devices bring the freshness of the outdoors to your indoor air. 

What Is Bipolar Ionization?

Just what is this technology, and why are we so glad to offer it? Bipolar ionization is the creation of negative and positive oxygen ions that actively remove harmful pollutants from a house. The positive and negative ions produced by a bipolar ionization IAQ device move into a house to neutralize contaminants like viruses, bacteria, mold spores, and more. It’s a safe process—the same used in nature—and will result in healthy and fresh-smelling indoor air. 

Call our team today to ask about a bipolar ionization IAQ device for your home. Our experts can integrate it into your existing HVAC equipment so you enjoy the freshness of a spring day inside your house all the time. 

Robbins Heating & Air Conditioning serves Colorado Springs and the surrounding area.

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How Long You Can Expect to Keep Your Furnace?

March 22nd, 2021

Gas-FurnaceYour home’s furnace is one of its most important parts—and it’s something you’ll think about every day through a cold Colorado Springs winter. When your furnace is doing its job and keeping your family cozy and safe, it’s easy to imagine that it will always keep up the good work. 

But of course it can’t. At some point in the future, and possibly as soon as this year, the furnace will need to be replaced. How many years can you expect to get from your current furnace?

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March Means It’s Time to Think About AC Maintenance

March 8th, 2021

AC-technician-maintenanceIf you’ve lived in Colorado Springs through at least one winter season, you know that the arrival of March is no guarantee that the weather will just keep getting warmer as we move into spring. Nonetheless, it is the right time to think about your air conditioning system. You may not need to run the AC for a while yet, but now is when you should start getting it prepared. 

How do you do that? By scheduling air conditioning maintenance in Colorado Springs, CO with our technicians.

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Late Winter—How Your Heater May Have Worn Down

February 22nd, 2021

winter-sceneThe last full (official) month of winter is often the hardest part of the entire season. Deep freezes, snowstorms, ice storms, and general unpleasant, well, coldness. If you’ve lived in Colorado Springs for at least one full winter, you know what you’re in for. 

But you may not have considered how your heater is handling it all. If you prepped it in fall with professional maintenance, you might think it’ll stay in perfect shape for the whole season. It certainly has a much better chance of making it through a winter without needing heater repair in Monument, CO if it had maintenance—but the heater will still suffer from major wear as it helps keep the cold from invading your home.

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Warning Sounds Your May Hear From Your Boiler

February 8th, 2021

woman-listeningOne of the advantages of using a boiler system to heat a home is that a boiler runs quieter than furnaces or heat pumps. Boilers don’t use powerful fans to distribute heat but instead a circulator pump that moves heated water from the boiler tank to the various radiators, baseboard heaters, and in-floor heating pipes. The main sounds you’ll hear from a boiler are the gas jets coming on and some noise from water movement—and even this won’t be noticeable when you’re not in the room with the boiler.

So when unusual noises start to interrupt the normal quiet of your home’s boiler, it often means you need to schedule a professional heater repair in Woodland Park, CO. We’re a local contractor who works on boiler repairs, and we’ll get to the bottom of whatever is causing the noise and what needs to be repaired.

Below we’ve listed some boiler warning sounds to listen for.

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Announcement: Robbins Joins PurelyAire© to offer Highest-ION technology in Douglas and El Paso counties

February 5th, 2021

Robbins Heating & Air Conditioning, Colorado Springs’ reputable HVAC business of 40 years, announced that they have joined the nationwide advanced air purification contractor group PurelyAire© and will be installing, warranting, and servicing the “highest-output (HO) technology” ION generators available today. 

Before HO, the next highest ION generators produce 400 million ION per second. Robbins will be offering HO technology that starts at 10 Billion IONS per second and upwards for larger applications. Because HO technology delivers at least 25 times the ION density in the space of a home or business than all competing ION generators, HO has a much better impact on air contaminants and takes less time to purify air. The manufacturer behind the HO technology reports it is highly effective at killing viruses including COVID-19, but Robbins emphasizes to their customers to purchase HO for its ability to purify air better than other options today. And because it has the lowest ozone output (< 0.001 ppm), well under federal requirements, it is safe for humans and animals.

If you do not yet know why IONs are so effective at purifying air, we encourage you to investigate at and

When you discover what IONs can do for you and where you live and work, give Robbins a call to set up a discovery meeting to explore what you can do to advance your air purification. Before you buy, Robbins offers a no-risk, no-charge trial to first prove our HO technology’s efficacy.

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Should There Be Rust on My Furnace?

January 25th, 2021

furnace-oldSimple answer: no. But it can happen, and when it does it means you need furnace service in Woodland Park, CO

Rust and other types of corrosion are almost always bad news for any metal appliance because they weaken the metal. Rust is often an indicator of advanced system age or a failure of another part of the appliance designed to prevent corrosion. These are all true of a natural gas furnace. We’ll go deeper into what this means below. Just please don’t allow rust to stay on your furnace without taking steps to see what’s wrong and what the next step is. 

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