One of the advantages of using a boiler system to heat a home is that a boiler runs quieter than furnaces or heat pumps. Boilers don’t use powerful fans to distribute heat but instead a circulator pump that moves heated water from the boiler tank to the various radiators, baseboard heaters, and in-floor heating pipes. The main sounds you’ll hear from a boiler are the gas jets coming on and some noise from water movement—and even this won’t be noticeable when you’re not in the room with the boiler.
So when unusual noises start to interrupt the normal quiet of your home’s boiler, it often means you need to schedule a professional heater repair in Woodland Park, CO. We’re a local contractor who works on boiler repairs, and we’ll get to the bottom of whatever is causing the noise and what needs to be repaired.
Below we’ve listed some boiler warning sounds to listen for.
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Tags: Boiler Repair, Heating System Repair, Woodland Park
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