After the holidays, you’re probably hoping to save as much money as possible. But there are some expenses you cannot avoid, like groceries and your monthly energy bills. Replacing an older heating system is another one of these inevitabilities, but you try to avoid it as long as possible.
Robbins Heating & Air Conditioning Blog : Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category
Do You Really Need to Replace Your Heater?
Monday, January 11th, 20164 Possible Reasons Your Furnace Won’t Stay On
Monday, December 7th, 2015You set the thermostat to a comfortable temperature and the furnace seems to respond. However, shortly afterwards, the furnace shuts off again. This is understandably frustrating, but a qualified heating technician should be able to diagnose this issue quickly and help you to get repairs fast. Take a look at some of the most common reasons for this frustration, and what we recommend to solve the issue.
Is Your Heating System Safe to Operate?
Monday, November 30th, 2015Thankfully, today’s heating systems are safer than they have ever been before. Multiple safety switches within the unit along with a well-designed heat exchanger and gas ignition system all help to keep your home and your family safe from gas leaks, fire hazards, and carbon monoxide leaks. However, there are still some things you should assess this year before the heating season begins in order to make sure your heating system works as securely as possible.
Your Guide to Installing a New Gas Furnace
Monday, November 23rd, 2015Heating Season Checklist: Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors Today!
Monday, November 9th, 2015Today’s heating systems are safer than they’ve ever been before, but there is still some amount of risk involved with operating a whole-home gas heating unit. These systems use combustion to heat up the air, which creates several byproducts, including carbon monoxide. While the byproducts should exhaust away from your living space, there is a chance that carbon monoxide could fill your home. Install carbon monoxide detectors on each floor of the house in order to prevent illness or even accidental death that could result from its presence.
How Zone Control Helps You in the Heating Season
Monday, November 2nd, 2015Have the temperature settings on your thermostat ever sparked a disagreement between your family members? Do you feel like you waste energy heating the whole house when you are only occupying a single room or zone of the home? Is it difficult to heat up certain areas of the home, such as downstairs rooms or areas with high ceilings and lots of windows?
How Joining an HVAC Maintenance Plan Can Save You Money and Hassle
Monday, October 26th, 2015Have you joined a local heating and air conditioning maintenance plan in your area yet? Professional heating and cooling (HVAC) maintenance programs exist in nearly every area of the U.S., and this service is valuable to the life of your heating and AC system. Usually, a maintenance plan consists of one or two visits a year from a professional technician, who can fine tune your system to get it in good working order. Here is how this helps you.
Using Your Thermostat for Maximum Heating Efficiency
Monday, October 19th, 2015One of the most common questions we are asked by customers is about how to program and set the home thermostat. It seems simple enough, but programmable thermostats can appear complicated when you don’t know how to use them. And there are a lot of misconceptions about what settings to keep the thermostat at for the best efficiency. We clear up some of these in today’s guide.
Need Help Choosing a New Heating System?
Monday, October 12th, 2015Your local heating technician is probably the best person for the job. However, we’ve put together a quick guide so that you can compare your options and narrow them down to get an idea of which system will work the best. Here are some of the options we recommend to homeowners searching for a new whole-home heating system.
Is Your Heating System Prepared to Operate for the Fall?
Monday, September 28th, 2015Slowly but surely, the cooler weather is making its way to our area. Soon we will shut off our air conditioners and rely on the warmth of our furnaces and boilers for comfort. Will your heater be up for the task? It is possible that your heating system suffered some damage during a period of vacation, and that it needs to be cleaned out and adjusted before you run it. It’s also possible that a looming safety issue puts your gas heater at risk. How can you prepare for the cooler weather?