Robbins Heating & Air Conditioning Blog : Archive for April, 2022

The Question of AC Size: Why It’s Critical for a New System

Monday, April 18th, 2022

air-conditioning-repair-toolsMany homeowners use spring to have a new air conditioning system installed in their homes. It’s the ideal season to get this job done: the new system will be ready to go before the first serious hot days arrive, and technicians can get the installation done during a time when a home doesn’t need cooling. Technicians have less busy schedules during spring, so it’s easier to find a convenient appointment for the new installation. 

And it is important to have professionals handle an air conditioning installation in Colorado Springs, CO. Amateurs often make errors because they lack the proper training and always try to find ways to do the job as cheaply as possible. This is why amateurs frequently install air conditioners that are the wrong size for homes. Sizing a new air conditioner is an essential part of installation, as we’ll explain. Our technicians will make sure you have the right AC for your house. 

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It’s Time to Prep Your AC for the Warmer Weather

Monday, April 4th, 2022

energy-efficiency-green-homeWhen the calendar turns over to April, it’s time to start thinking about the approaching mid-year heat. Early planning is the best way to ensure a great performance from your air conditioner for the summer. When you have professional maintenance from our technicians, you’ll have an AC in the best condition for the heat—and to save you money in several ways.

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