We offer our customers plenty of advice for how they can get the most out of their air conditioning in Colorado Springs, CO: better performance, lower costs. The one piece of advice we share more than any other is “Change the AC’s air filter every one to three months.” It’s a basic job and it does so much to prevent numerous air conditioner troubles.
Unfortunately, it’s the basic jobs that people are the most likely to forget. Although we’ll change out the air filter when we come for your annual spring maintenance, you’ll have to remember to do the filter changes through the rest of the summer on your own. One technique you can use to help you remember is to attach checking the filter with another monthly task, such as paying a utility bill.
To help convince you to keep a regular filter change schedule, we’re going to take a look at the various problems a clogged filter can create for your air conditioner.
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Tags: Air Conditioning Maintenance, Air Conditioning Repair, Colorado Springs
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